About me

I'm a passionate AI researcher with a focus on Large Multimodal Models, Multi-Task Learning, Medical Image Analysis, and AI for Medical Physics. My expertise lies in developing cutting-edge deep learning architectures to process diverse data types efficiently, enhancing machine learning models for simultaneous task performance, and applying advanced algorithms for medical image analysis in diagnosis and treatment planning.

With a commitment to integrating AI techniques to improve medical imaging and radiation therapy planning, I strive to contribute to the advancement of healthcare technologies. Additionally, I have experience collaborating on research projects and have a strong foundation in computer science and mathematics. My goal is to leverage my skills and expertise to drive innovation in AI research and contribute positively to the field.

Research Interests



  1. PhD, University of Toronto

    2021 — 2026 (expected)

    AI for Medicine, Medical Biophysics

  2. BEng, Korea University

    2014 - 2020

    Majored in Biomedical Engineering, and minored in Brain and Cognitive Science


  1. Graduate Researcher, University Health Network

    2021 — Present / Toronto, Canada

    Developing deep learning models for multimodal data fusion in medical imaging.

  2. Research Scientist, Synergy AI

    2020 — 2021 / Seoul, Korea

    Serving as a research scientist in the AI for Medicine team, focusing on developing deep learning models for ADPKD segmentation using CT images.

  3. Research Scientist, Seoul National University Hospital

    2019 — 2020 / Seoul, Korea

    Developed deep learning-radiomics model for osteoporosis diagnosis using hip radiographs.

  4. Technical Sergeant, Republic of Korea Army

    2015 — 2018 / Korea

    Served as a medical equipment maintenance technician in the 2nd Logistics Support Command.


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